Be a Part of the New Generation

Seeking Travel that goes beyond Sustainability

We cultivate & curate immersive and impactful conservation-oriented travel.

Together with our local conservation partners, we strive to design and deliver truly transformative experiences that produce lasting positive impacts for our guests, their hosts and the wildlife and wild places we encounter.

Our Approach

Find out about our mission and our underlying beliefs and ethos towards designing and delivering true transformational travel. Our Why!

Our Partners

Learn more about our amazing Local Partners and how we Support them and their critical Conservation Work through our Studies & Safaris

Our Signature Safaris

Check out how our work seeks to add conservation value to each and every travel experience we promote

Listen to the entire full episode (52 minute) interview on the Postcard Travel Podcast available here

Seize your

Call to Conservation Travel

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause while experiencing a life-changing travel adventure.


Proud to be a Conservation & Namibia Ambassador for the Transformational Travel Council

Dr. Muntifering successfully completed the 6 month course in Transformational Travel Design in 2020 hosted by the Transformational Travel Council